North Central Sociologist2023-12-12T00:01:52+00:00

North Central Sociologist (Newsletter)

The North Central Sociologist is the official newsletter of the NCSA. Published since the inception of the organization, the newsletter highlights conference awards, notable speakers and events, partner organizations, and members’ contributions to the discipline. The NCSA fall newsletter typically informs the membership about the upcoming conference, including a call for papers, critical information on the theme, pre-conference workshop topics, detailed instructions on how to submit papers, and the title of the keynote speaker’s talk. Following the annual spring conference, the NCSA spring newsletter congratulations the award winners in a public forum, offers a synopsis of the Useem Plenary Address and the Presidential Address, and provides a potential theme for next year’s conference. The North Central Sociologist is a part of the organization’s bylaws, intended to celebrate accomplishments, and transmit important information. But, we are always evolving and open to new content.

Want to contribute an item for consideration in the upcoming edition of the North Central Sociologist?

Click HERE to propose an addition.



Congratulations! Welcome to Our Newly Elected Council Members! President-Elect: Geoff [...]

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